By Alumni, for Alumni: A Journey of Connection and Growth

Interview with Bryan Chiew

Dulwich College Beijing'16 President,
Worldwise Alumni Advisory Board

Can you describe your initial experience with the Worldwise Alumni Network (WAN)?

Four years ago, almost to the day, a conversation in the Dulwich College International office with Karen Yung and Lucien Giordano sparked an idea—a vision for a network that would unite cross-culture graduates and non-graduates from Education in Motion under one banner, the Worldwise Alumni Network (WAN). Today, I am filled with immense gratitude and humility as I reflect on my personal journey from that initial conversation.


Can you provide a detailed introduction to the Worldwise Alumni Network (WAN)?

The Worldwise Alumni Network integrates the considerable strengths and talents of alumni from all our schools worldwide, cultivating endless possibilities through collective collaboration.

WAN is dedicated to fostering lifelong connections and providing lasting value to former students, their families, current EiM schools, and the greater global community through its commitment to Community Building, Mentorship, Professional Opportunities, Service and Giving.

WAN provides alumni across the EiM family of schools the opportunity, resources, tools and knowledge to Live Worldwise. Created by alumni for alumni, the network facilitates unique, bespoke opportunities that connect, develop and empower our alumni to build life-long connections between each other and school communities, grow their personal and professional networks, give back to the community, have a positive impact on society and the planet, and be together, anywhere.


What is the Worldwise Alumni Advisory Board (WAAB), and why is it so crucial to the success of the Worldwise Alumni Network (WAN)?

Our own alumni are instrumental in the direction and success of the network. The Worldwise Alumni Advisory Board (WAAB) is a group of EiM alumni leaders, acting as the strategic backbone of WAN, providing governance, resources, and guidance to strengthen global alumni initiatives and leadership.

WAAB's responsibilities include:

  • Strategic Oversight: Monitoring and guiding the strategic direction of WAN, ensuring alignment with long-term goals and efficient resource allocation.
  • Leadership Development: Identifying and training regional chapter leads and school representatives, offering tools and resources to enhance their effectiveness.
  • Evaluation and Support: Regularly assessing the impact of WAN's activities and providing support where necessary to optimize performance and achieve desired outcomes.


What major milestones and achievements has the Worldwise Alumni Advisory Board (WAAB) accomplished, and is there anyone specific you would like to thank?

The journey from that initial conversation to our recent milestones has been fueled by the dedication and collective efforts of internal champions like Lucien Giordano and Jerry Zhou. The Leadership Conference on 18-19 March 2024 and the Global Alumni Dinner were not just events; they were celebrations of years of hard work and growth.



The WAN Leadership Conference at Dulwich College (Singapore)

As what we always say, 'By Alumni, for Alumni', our alumni leaders and volunteers have been the cornerstone of WAN's success. Alumni like Adam Wang (Dulwich International High School Suzhou'13), Janani Ramesh (Dulwich College Suzhou'16), Rebecca Svantemann (Dulwich College Beijing'17), Candy Gan (Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong'14), Mike Huang (Dulwich International High School Zhuhai'13), Yoonhee (Alice) Oh (Dulwich College Suzhou'17), Chelsea Hong (Dulwich College Beijing'15), Isaac Lee (Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong'17), Alexandre Blanchard (Dulwich College Seoul'18), Grace Chan (Dulwich College Beijing'13), Nicole Wang (Dulwich College Beijing'15), Nick Lee (Dulwich College Beijing'13), Jimmy Gao (Dulwich International High School Suzhou'15), Zoe Zhang (Dulwich International High School Suzhou'14), and Michael Wang (Dehong Shanghai'23) have displayed selfless dedication. Their passion for fostering genuine connections and supporting each other through transitions has driven the network's growth.

As I look back on these four years, it's clear that at the heart of WAN are its people — their stories, journeys, and willingness to serve and uplift one another. The network is more than just a collection of individuals; it's a movement. A movement that champions the unique experiences of third and cross-culture kids, that values authentic connections over mere networking, and that embraces the richness of diverse backgrounds and perspectives.



What are your future expectations and anticipations for WAN and WAAB?

As we continue to build on our successes, the future promises more opportunities for more milestones, more connections, and endless possibilities for growth and impact. Here's to continuing our journey, grounded in the values that brought us together and inspired by the limitless potential of what we can achieve as a united WAN family. 



Worldwise Alumni Network Hong Kong Gathering

We are committed to fostering a global community that champions diversity, values authentic relationships, and supports one another through every transition. Together, we're creating a place where everyone can find a sense of belonging, no matter where they are in the world. Together, we will continue to achieve great things, driven by the collective spirit of the WAN family. This journey is just beginning, and the best is yet to come.

As we now enter graduation season, we are excited to welcome more students from the Class of 2024 cohorts to join WAN. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect, collaborate, and work together to unlock endless possibilities towards a bright and promising future.

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